Psychic Astrology Shop

Call 201-963-8400


Love & Relationship Specialist Here To Help You
Find Your Soulmates!
Call For Love Reading Today!

About Me

I am Dana a Psychic with over 25 years of experience.I was born with
 a psychic gift to look into your past, present & guidance to reveal
your future.
I am known for my honesty and integrity. Descended from five generations of spiritual healers, teachers & mediums, a clairvoyant light worker and spiritual advisor- I invites you to share an exceptional clairvoyant experience.
My Psychic Readings cover all areas of life including:
Love & relationships, Soulmate/Twin Flames. Life Direction;
Future goals and desires. Career: new opportunities. Inner growth
and Spiritual Development; Personal situations of the mind,
heart, & emotions.
 My powerful gift of accuracy and wisdom can help you on your
spiritual walk of Life. 

Readings & Services

I offer mind, body & spiritual cleansing that help remove negativity & obstacles. Chakra balancing and
Aura cleansing helps to restore balance in your life.
I give guidance and help problems concerning, Love, Relationships, Marriage, Business, Gay Romance,
Cheating or break-ups. Counseling for reuniting lovers & even the hardest felt My psychic reading focuses on
important decision making and immediate concerns.
I offer general introduction reading that touches base on all aspects of life and provides a clear
perspective on past, present and future.
My Readings start at $25.
Schedule An Appointment Today!

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Visit The Boutique

At The Psychic Astrology Boutique we sell:

My Testimonials

I am available for private events. All Reading & Services are private and confidential.
Call me today for the most powerful and accurate reading that you may ever encounter.
I will share with you the ancient secrets that others are still searching for.
Call For A Private Session Today!

Get In Touch

(201) 963-8400

Paypal, Zelle, Venmo, All Major Credit Cards

201 Washington Street
Hoboken, New Jersey, 07030

Monday-Friday: 9am-10pm
Saturday: 10am-12am
Sunday: 10am-6pm

Offer: $25 Love Readings *First Time Clients

~DISCLAIMER: All Content is copyrighted. The information contained on this site is for information purposes only, is subjective and may not apply to your specific situation. Individual results may vary from person to person. (MUST BE 18+)

~TERMS & CONDITIONS: By ordering any services provided by you agree and fully except the terms and conditions of my service by making any form of payment to you take full responsibility. There are NO REFUNDS on services provided.Prices vary. Each individual client has a unique case.

Copyright 2023© Psychic Vision Readings